
maybe it's a long shot, but...

so... this childbru seemed to like blog when i made him peep it today. blogging may be dead, but i feel like blogging a dead horse (holy shit, that's a good pun) so i'm declaring that more future blog content may or may not be forthcoming.

-precocious pete

ps: does the font match the le well enough? i can go a shade darker or a shade lighter


do you feel betrayed and disallusioned? we sure do...

túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo.

blogging is dead. it's a damn shame we jumping onto the bandwagon so late in the game because i think we are sitting on a viable goldmine of memes+opinions+art+random items, i.e. our collective minds/resources/talent. But hey, it's your loss. blogs are a completely ineffective way of sharing your thangs, and it's sad. there are a plethora of blogs available for your perusal+frequenting+critiquing, my point being, a lot of great peoples blogs will end up ignored and forgotten, maybe it's better not express yourself vicariously through a website, but instead through action and speech and art and music in the real world. do it for the fat lady aka jesus.